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Best Maxillofacial Centre in Varanasi

Maxillofacial prosthetics is a specialized branch of dentistry that focuses on the rehabilitation of patients with defects or disabilities involving the head, face, neck, and associated structures. These defects can result from congenital conditions, trauma, surgery, or diseases such as cancer. Best Maxillofacial Centre in Varanasi

The primary goal of maxillofacial prosthetics is to restore both function and aesthetics for patients who have lost facial structures or have undergone surgical procedures that affect their appearance or ability to perform basic functions like eating and speaking. Best Maxillofacial Centre in Varanasi

Some common applications of maxillofacial prosthetics include:

  1. Facial prostheses: These are custom-made prosthetic devices designed to replace missing or damaged facial structures, such as the nose, ears, or eyes. They are often created using materials like silicone to closely resemble natural tissue. Best Maxillofacial Centre in Varanasi
  2. Palatal obturators: These devices are used to close defects in the roof of the mouth (palate) caused by conditions like cleft palate or surgical removal of tumors. Palatal obturators help improve speech and swallowing function by restoring the separation between the oral and nasal cavities. Best Maxillofacial Centre in Varanasi
  3. Maxillary and mandibular prostheses: Maxillofacial prosthetists may also create prosthetic devices to replace missing parts of the upper (maxilla) or lower (mandible) jaw. These prostheses can restore facial symmetry, improve chewing and swallowing, and provide support for dental restorations. Best Maxillofacial Centre in Varanasi
  4. Prosthetic eyes: For patients who have lost one or both eyes due to injury or disease, maxillofacial prosthetists can create custom ocular prostheses to restore a natural appearance and improve comfort. Best Maxillofacial Centre in Varanasi

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