Sewa Dental – Best Dentist in varanasi .

Wish to learn Implantology?

Learn A to Z Basics of Implantology

About Your Mentor

Dr. Amit Kumar is an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, who has been trained from the reputed institute of Regional Cancer Centre, Trivandrum, kothiwal Dental College, Moradabad. He is very active in academics and strong beliver of sharing knowledge and caring about fellow practioners. As an Implantologist, he has the experience of placing enormous numbers of implants for past thirteen years. He routinely performs complicated implant procedures like indirect and direct sinus lifts, ridge split and bone grafting, full mouth rehabilitations, immediate implants, pterygoid and zygomatic implants. He is into private practice and routinely performing procedures like treatment of fracture of face, gunshot cases, correctiono of facial deformities, cleft lip and palate, TMJ surgeries, cyst and tumor removal, orthographic surgery etc. He is a visiting consultant to many hospitals in several districts of purvanchal. Dr. Singh is the proud owner of most advanced hair transplant clinic which is equiped with 6 stereo dissection microscopes. This setup is the only one of its kind in U.P. and Bihar.

About Sewa Dental Academy

Sewa Dental Academy was started by Dr. Amit Kumar Singh MDS leading maxillofacial surgeon Dr. Shweta Singh MDS, Pedodontist in year 2018 with thought of teaching modern skills and sharing knowledge with fellow dentist.

As learning is a continuous process ,these is immense need of incorporating modern skills in dental practice to meet the demand of time.

Till 2022 , 11 batches of basic implantology course has been successfully conducted. It’s our motto to train the participants in their mother tongue so they can learn and understand in a better way.

Live patient surgery ,handson on models, lecture session are all part of basic Implantology course.

Maximum 10 participant per batch is included so there should be one to one interaction between participant and mentor.

From time to time lectures on different dental topics is also conducted at the centre.

Doctor Review

Dr. Arvind

Dr. Chandan Singh

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