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Best Maxillofacial Centre in Varanasi

Common applications of maxillofacial prosthetics include:

  1. Facial Prostheses: These prostheses are designed to replace missing or damaged facial features such as the nose, ears, or eyes. They are custom-made to match the patient’s skin tone, texture, and contours, providing a natural appearance.
  2. Orbital Prostheses: Orbital prostheses are used to replace missing or damaged eye sockets. They help restore symmetry to the face and may include an artificial eye to improve aesthetics.
  3. Ocular Prostheses: Also known as artificial eyes or glass eyes, ocular prostheses are used to replace missing or damaged eyes. They are custom-made to match the remaining eye and are carefully designed to mimic natural eye movement and appearance.
  4. Auricular Prostheses: These prostheses are used to replace missing or damaged ears. Auricular prostheses are typically custom-made to match the size, shape, and color of the patient’s remaining ear and are attached using medical-grade adhesives.
  5. Palatal Obturators: Palatal obturators are prosthetic devices used to close openings or defects in the roof of the mouth (palate). They are commonly used to restore speech, swallowing, and chewing functions in patients who have undergone surgical removal of a portion of the palate due to conditions such as cancer.
  6. Maxillofacial Implants: In some cases, dental implants or other types of facial implants may be used in conjunction with prosthetic devices to provide support and stability for facial prostheses or to replace missing teeth and restore oral function.

Maxillofacial prosthetics requires collaboration between prosthodontists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, otolaryngologists (ENT specialists), ophthalmologists, and other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care for patients with complex craniofacial needs. The goal of maxillofacial prosthetics is to improve the quality of life and overall well-being of patients by restoring function, aesthetics, and self-confidence.


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