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Facial Trauma

Facial Trauma

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last set of teeth to develop and emerge in the mouth. They typically come in between the ages of 17 and 25.

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons are specialist trained to manage and treat facial trauma. There are an infinite number of ways in which the face can be damaged and thus need some type of reconstruction. Accidents, falls, automobile crashes and interpersonal violence are among the most common causes. Some of the main types of facial injuries resulting from these instances are lacerations, fractured teeth, fractured jaws, fractured facial bones, knocked out teeth and intraoral lacerations.

How Serious is Facial Trauma

  • Facial trauma, also known as maxillofacial trauma, can be a very complex injury. Usually, it requires special attention from a qualified oral surgeon. It’s almost never something you want to treat at home with an ice pack. In addition, maxillofacial patients usually face long treatment times.

  • If you have recently experienced serious facial trauma and are in pain because of it, then that could be considered a dental emergency and you should contact one of our offices as soon as possible to be seen same day.

What is Maxillofacial Trauma Maxillofacial trauma is any physical trauma to the face. This can include:

  • Soft tissue injuries

  • Burns

  • Lacerations

  • Bruises

  • Fractures

  • Broken bones, including nose, jaw, or cheekbones

  • The most common sport and vehicle-related trauma to the mouth and jaws are dentoalveolar/tooth injuries and lower jaw fractures. A less common type is called a Le Fort injury (upper jaw fracture). Cheekbone fractures, known as zygoma, or orbital fractures, may also occur.

  • We also see patients with dentoalveolar injuries. This very long word refers both to the teeth and to the bone that supports the teeth. A sudden, direct blow to the mouth is the most common cause of injury. At times, these patients also experience numbness.

  • Whatever the cause of facial trauma, optimal outcome is achieved when surgical care is focused on restoring both function and appearance. Surgical results around the maxillofacial region are unique in that success is judged both on esthetic, as well as, function. Dr. AK Singh takes great pride in treating maxillofacial injuries to yield the best cosmetic results possible, while restoring optimal function.

  • Dr. AK Singh is well trained, skilled and uniquely qualified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon  to manage and treat wide- range of maxillofacial injuries.