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Cyst Tumors and Facial Pathologies in Varanasi

Cyst Tumors and Facial Pathologies

Facial tumors and cysts are relatively rare growths or lesions that develop in the jawbone or the soft tissues in the mouth and face.These growths are usually noncancerous (benign), but they can be aggressive and expand, displace or destroy the surrounding bone, tissue and teeth.

You often find them forming in the gums near crowns, on the tips of the roots of dead teeth, pre-emergent molars and teeth which are not healthy. It can be months or even years before patients are aware they have dental cysts as, until they become infected, there is no pain associated with their growth. A tumor is an abnormal growth or mass of tissue. A cyst is a lesion that contains liquid or semisolid material. Examples of jaw tumors and cysts include: Ameloblastoma Odontogenic keratocyst Dentigerous cyst Odontogenic myxoma Odontoma Central giant cell granuloma etc.

What are Common Symptoms of Someone who has a Dental Cyst

Initially there are no obvious dental cyst symptoms, so most patients are unaware of their presence until they become infected. However, there are some subtle symptoms to look out for:

Sensitive teeth

Teeth displacement – gaps may appear between teeth

Loose teeth

Swelling of a particular gum area

Discomfort when pressing on a particular area of the gum

Numbness in the face and numbs due to the cyst pressing on a nerve

Jaw and face (oral and maxillofacial) surgeons can treat your jaw tumor or cyst usually by surgery, or in some cases, by medical therapy or a combination of surgery and medical therapy.

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